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Fly Like a Peacock : Mayurasana tips

intermediate series mayurasana second series Jul 31, 2018

 Mayurasana is part of the challenging arm balancing section of second series. Intermediate series has periodic checks for lightness - maybe thats why so many of the poses are named after birds!

Watch the video for some of my tips on Mayurasana. There aren't any shortcuts for this pose, you have to do the work. But hopefully some of these cues will resonate with you.  

Registration is open for my Intermediate Series Online In-depth Study. This six week course will help you demystify the second series of Ashtanga yoga. Early bird discount available now!

Want more Mayurasana tips? Try my free email course on Advanced Core.  One of the videos is on Mayurasana and a core exercise that could help you!

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About Jen René

Hey there! I'm a dedicated Ashtanga teacher and fourth series practitioner. I'm also a Pilates enthusiast. I taught my first class in 2005. And since then I have learned lots of amazing tricks that can help you on your own yoga journey.


Connect with Me! @jenreneyoga