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Kurmasana and Supta Kurmasana

kurmasana supta kurmasana Jun 14, 2018

Perhaps the hardest pose in Primary Series? I know for me it is. When I was learning this pose I literally thought it was going to pop my collar bones. Fortunately, that didn't happen.

Here are my tips to work safely into kurmasana and supta kurmasana.

Want to go even deeper into opening your hips? Try my 5 video email course here.

Or my online course Be Hippy a master class on hip opening.

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      About Jen René

      Hey there! I'm a dedicated Ashtanga teacher and fourth series practitioner. I'm also a Pilates enthusiast. I taught my first class in 2005. And since then I have learned lots of amazing tricks that can help you on your own yoga journey.


      Connect with Me! @jenreneyoga